
Time for a Walkout 🪧 : 

For the first time in decades, The New York Times sees its staff walk out. This is an important move for the labor movement when it comes to journalism. Take a break from reading the Times today.


A Case of the Mondays 🗓 : 

We’re working in the office less, and that shift in work is changing the way that we handle Mondays. It’s only really a problem if you see it that way.


Don’t Let Him See You Mad 🤬 : 

The recent leak of secret correspondence from Twitter’s archives seemed designed to anger a lot of people. You don’t have to play into the performative anger—even if there’s actual anger there.


Not The Bees 🐝 : 

Hive Social’s bad security practices, which are dangerous enough that a security team fast-tracked disclosure, puncture a hole in the formative platform’s long-term prospects.


Don’t Fall Into The Well 🪣 : 

New social media networks put a lot of work into onboarding you with cool features. But what truly matters is what those networks look like over time—and open looks better than closed.


The Signs, They Aren’t A-Changin’ ✍️ : 

Bob Dylan learns the hard way that if you duplicate your autographs in a $600 book using an autopen, you will get called out for it. This is a story about the failures of capitalism, really.


Bobbing For Leaders 🐭 : 

Bob Chapek’s departure from Disney was a bit of a surprise—but not as big of a surprise as his replacement, Bob Iger. What the heck happened?


This is Your Escape Hatch 🚪 : 

If you’ve had an unhealthy relationship with social media for a while, the past month could offer an opportunity for a reset. Don’t miss it.


Is Mastodon Fetch? 🍖 : 

As we close out the pop-up newsletter, let’s talk about the haters for a second here. Do they have a point? Or, are they missing the point?


With Mastodon, You Have Choices 🗳 : 

While Mastodon releases features at a regular clip, its nature as an open-source tool means that you can ignore them if you’d like, or add your own. That’s a refreshing shift from closed social networks.


The Infernal September 📅🔥 : 

The case that what Mastodon is experiencing isn’t so much an Eternal September but a trial by fire. Get to know the term “Infernal September.”


Does Mastodon Need a Buffer? 🗓 : 

Breaking down a few more of the nagging Mastodon questions you might have—including why tools to schedule your posts aren’t common just yet.


This is a Mastodon Pop-Up 🐘 : 

So, we’re doing something different for the next week or two, and we’re sacrificing MidRange for the task. The reason? There’s a heckuva lot of confusion about the suddenly popular Mastodon. Maybe we can help.


Past the Personality Cults 🗿 : 

Many people on Twitter seem to be looking past the network they’ve made their digital home for more than a decade. I wonder if it’s because the cult of personality spell has been broken.


Crocheting on a Tightrope 🧶 : 

The challenge of real-time reporting is that doing it well is really hard. But coming up with some made-up facts about the victim of a crime? That’s the easy part.


See What Sticks 🤑 : 

Elon Musk appears to be taking a “let’s see what we can get away with” approach to running the large social network he just bought. Whiplash impending.


Normalize Imperfection 🫶 : 

John Fetterman, managing an auditory processing disability caused by a stroke, should be appreciated for the bravery of what he did on the Pennsylvania Senate debate stage the other night.