

No Complexity Allowed 💻 : 

A new open-source take on the operating system interface aims to solve what ails Linux on the desktop by ignoring it entirely. It might be better for everyone in the end.


Sometimes, It Doesn’t Happen 😓 : 

Not every career opportunity is going to turn out quite the way you expect. Make the opportunities that fall through your hands mean something.


Emptier Than Usual 📺 : 

Why we must accept that MTV is going to be a Ridiculousness rerun wasteland until the end of time, even if we don’t particularly like it.


Walking The Oat 🥛 : 

The case for the highly derided Oatly Super Bowl commercial being actually very good at its mission, and as a musical homage of sorts.


Knocking the Hustle 💪 : 

The controversial nature of the gig economy, as reflected by a tone-deficient Super Bowl ad, may come from the fact that a “gig” means different things to different people.


Get Started ⚡️ : 

The challenging thing about creating something new is building a rhythm. Without it, you’re going to struggle.


Stories in the Trash 🚮 : 

Why I find digging through old stuff on Goodwill to be one of my best tools for researching story ideas. Even online.


Mission Statement 📃 : 

Limitations matter. This newsletter will be structured around a tight time limit. Here’s why.

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